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Heather's Treks: Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh
Date published:
December 15, 2022
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Walk Information

Walk Information

Route: Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh (Corbett)

Distance: 14km (8.75 miles)

Ascent: 770m

Time: 5 – 5 ½ hrs walking

Terrain: Forestry tracks, fords, faint path or pathless, with steep, uneven, boggy sections.

Map/s: OS Landranger 50 (1:50 000) OS Explorer 377 (1:25000)

Start/Finish/Parking: Eas Urchaidh car park

Grid reference: NN 243320

Public Transport: NA

Toilets: No

The route up from Glen Orchy
Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh: ‘Mountain of the Son of the Moor’.
Argyll has some cracking Munros and Corbetts amongst some of the best scenery in the UK. The rich tapestry of colours throughout the year are softened with lush vegetation – an unkempt array of heather, mosses, lichens, ferns, grasses, forestry and woodlands - kept green most summers by typical west coast weather.

Even many of the higher hills have plenty of life clinging to them; hill goers are well aware that this often means a little bog trotting will be the order of the day. Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh’s summit is grassy moorland with only a smattering of exposed rocks and scree, but this belies its much rockier and rugged western aspect. The ascent does not seem too exciting, but its placement makes it well worth the effort. Sandwiched between Glen Strae and Glen Orchy the open vista from its summit is quite superb. This is a hill to save for a dry, clear day! And it is a good one for those happy to venture into the hills in winter - a crisp white coating will mean less bog!

The narrow cleft at Eas Urchaidh

1.     Leaving the Eas Urchaidh (Orchy Falls) car park cross the bridge west over the magnificent gorge. Continue up the newly surfaced track for 0.5 km. Ignore the new road veering right and follow the old forestry track that bears left, signposted Mountain Access.

2.     The forestry track now undulates north and then west for a further 1.5km on the south side of the Allt Broighleachan, before reaching a small junction with your route heading right over the bridge towards the Mountain Access (ahead leads to the Caledonian Forest reserve).

Signposted through the woods

3.     Over the bridge a further signpost indicates you go left to continue to the Mountain Access (right goes to the Bridge of Orchy). The grassier track now wends its way west for nearly 3km, crossing the occasional ford (not always passable in spate) with glimpses of the higher hills and Caledonian Pine Forest to your left. Eventually you reach the forest’s edge where you can exit through a gate onto the open hillside.

4.     Turn right (north) and cross the Allt Chailleach. On the other side a faint path wends its way northwards up the hill’s steepening slopes. The ground can be quite boggy but is pleasant enough walking. If the path vanishes just head north, keeping the steeper ground off to your left, until you near an obvious stream which you can keep to your left until quite near the ridge line itself.

View back to Ben Lui on the ascent

5.     Cross either the head of the stream or just before to reach the undulating ridge above and veer west to the summit. It is worth meandering around to the northeast and southwest of the ridge just for the views. On a still sunny day you could sit up here for hours (midges pending!).

6.     Return the same way you came, taking care on the quite steep descent.

View towards Ben Eunaich and Loch Awe

You can also tackle the hill on a slightly longer 18 km route from Glen Strae from the top corner of the B8077, or, if you are able to make a linear day of it, you could go from Glen to Glen.

View over to Ben Lui

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Safety in the Outdoors

The described route and accompanying information are there to be used as a guide and do not replace the use of map and compass and the skills required to use them. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the route is accurate please be aware that track and path closures can happen at any time. All walks are undertaken at your own risk. Please use appropriate clothing and equipment for your chosen outdoor activity. If walking in winter conditions ensure you have the equipment and skills needed for a long day on the hill with potentially whiteout and/or freezing conditions, etc. Inform a contact about your route/whereabouts and don’t forget your phone, snacks, drink, any medication/first aid supplies you may need and to check weather conditions. Most walks are dog friendly but please keep your dog under close control, especially around livestock and wildlife. Please follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.

OS Map Link

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